ADD Systems is proud to announce that we have re-affirmed our commitment to the Eastern Energy Expo (EEE) by signing on, once again, as an Eastern Energy Expo Sponsor. We are very excited to be part of this year’s show, held at the Foxwoods Resort Casino in Connecticut on May 20-23. If you are attending the show (and we highly recommend it!) you won’t be able to miss us. We will be in booth #500, right in front of the main entrance.
This year we’re also contributing to the show’s Business Track educational sessions with a presentation called:
“How Timely Communication and Focused Marketing Messages Can Boost Profits”
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
8:15-9:30 AM
Join John Coyle, ADD Systems’ Vice President of Sales, and Tom Henderson, ADD Systems’ Vice President of Q/A and Documentation, to learn how spot-on communication can greatly improve your bottom line.
John is a big fan of the show. “The Eastern Energy Expo is perfect for us. It’s a great opportunity to show off our latest products to both our clients and prospects. There’s nothing like the excitement that comes from being on the floor with all the latest in technology and opportunity.” Bruce C. Bott, President of ADD Systems, agrees and shared some of his thoughts during the show last year.
The EEE show is just around the corner now. We hope to see you there! To find out where else we’ll be, visit our Events page.
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