AUG Annual Meeting
The ADD User Group (AUG) just held their annual meeting at the NPGA Show in Atlanta. ADD clients attended in person and via webcast to hear about the group’s accomplishments and goals. Committee chairs reported on their activities and plans, and Rob Culbertson, COO & Senior Vice President of ADD Systems, gave a presentation on product development and AUG influence. Keep an eye on the ADD Systems Forum for more meeting follow-up.
Enhancement Process Begins
An important part of the AUG’s mission is to help steer ADD Systems’ product direction. Now through June 30, 2018, the AUG is collecting product enhancement requests from ADD clients. Think about your wish list and visit the ADD Systems Forum for more information about the submission process.
Join the AUG
Want more information about how you can take advantage of all the AUG benefits? Visit the AUG page or contact
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