ADD Systems is proud to partner with Wine Energy as their convenience store back office software provider.
About Wine Energy
Wine Energy has been serving the Virginia community for over 50 years. Their businesses include heating oil, fleet fueling, HVAC, and convenience stores. This past summer they installed ADD eStore® and Atlas Reporting® for their 11 convenience stores and Dairy Queen. We checked in with Kristin Shelman, Vice President of Operations, and Carl Hitt, Director of Retail Operations, to ask them about their experience.
ADD: What was the driving decision to proceed with ADD Systems for your convenience stores?
Kristin: We had different systems with a lot of manual work and double entry. The choice of ADD Systems was clear because we needed one system.
ADD: Was integration important to you?
Kristin: Yes, it was very important. Adding ADD eStore® to work side-by-side with Energy E3® and Dynamics GP allowed us to streamline our Bill of Lading (BOL) processing, merchandise invoices and financial reporting. We’re taking advantage of electronic imports, and we eliminated the manual errors caused by the duplication of tasks.
ADD: How did your store rollout go?
Carl: It was a very positive transition from another totally different software system. We had top-notch pre-training and set-up, with excellent follow-up as questions came up, and building the pricebook with the upload of UPCs was very easy.
ADD: Were there any immediate advantages?
Carl: We love how easy it is to get our much needed data for sales, inventory, and tracking. Atlas has been a 100% improvement over our previous system.
ADD: Are there any other areas you are looking to improve?
Kristin: We’re looking forward to getting better visibility into our foodservice program with the ADD eStore® Recipe module. We also recently purchased the RAVEN® software for our delivery trucks and expanded Atlas Reporting to gain more insight from E3 for the energy side of our business.
Final Thoughts
We want to thank Kristin and Carl for taking the time to speak with us and share their experience. We’re happy to have them as members of the ever-growing ADD family.
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