The ADD User Group (AUG) continued to make great strides this past quarter, making the group more valuable than ever to both ADD Systems and it clients. Here are just a few of the things they are up to lately.
Membership Rising
The AUG continues to add members, with more than 15 members joining since the ADD Systems Business Tech Conference in May. Every new member increases the group’s potential and the overall value for all the members. More additions are always welcome!
New Committees
One of the optional benefits of membership is joining a committee. Of course, we’ve got some popular ones, like Raven, but we’ve also got some new ones in the works. An eStore committee was created this May and, after a well-attended kick-off call, its members are already seeing the benefits. If you are a current ADD client, listen to the recorded calls on our forum and see for yourself! (Need help with your login? Contact ADD Systems.)
Some other new committees on the horizon– Service/Pegasus and Wholesale. If you are interested, let us know!
Enhancement Process
The votes are in! Enhancement requests have been submitted by members, voted on by the committees, and final decisions have been made by the AUG Leadership Committee. Now the prioritized list has been shared with ADD Systems to be incorporated into ADD’s overall development planning.
Software and Technology Survey
One of the things that makes the AUG so useful to ADD clients is the communication among ADD users. To contribute to this, the AUG is implementing a new project – a software and technology survey of its members. Now, when you, an ADD Systems client, are considering an upgrade or a new 3rd party product, you will be able to pull up a list of ADD clients already using that product. Imagine the valuable insight and advice you can get from someone like that – it’s priceless.
What’s Next?
Join the group! The AUG is open to all ADD Systems clients, and the amount of time invested is your choice. You can simply listen to Best Practice calls, or you can chair a committee and lead. Whatever level you choose, the AUG is happy to have you.
Want to find out more about the AUG? Visit our website or contact ADD Systems at or 800-922-0972.
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