When ADD Systems announced the Raven back in 1995, we offered the first end-to-end mobile solution for your energy delivery business. Throughout the years, we have made regular enhancements to keep the product the best on the market. Now, we are proud to announce our NEW Raven Companion and Raven Fleet Fueler – products that allow us to continue to give you the most complete end-to-end mobile solution available.
Raven Companion
- Improve driver efficiency (eliminate climbing in and out of the cab multiple times)
- Ensure deliveries are made to the correct tank
- Easily capture customer signatures
On site, the driver can leave the Raven tablet in the truck and step out with just the Companion. The driver can then walk over to the fill location and optionally scan the QR code label to verify that he/she is at the correct tank before beginning to pump the fuel.
When the delivery is complete, why not get a signature on the Companion whenever a customer is present? It’s simple because the Companion is in your driver’s pocket, not back in the cab. The driver can even start to print the signed invoice in the truck before returning there. Just a click of a button on the Companion and the invoice will be waiting in the cab.
Your driver will have completed the entire delivery without climbing back up into the truck until it’s time to move on to the next customer. That’s a big time savings that provides real ROI!
Raven Fleet Fueler
No matter what you call it – fleet fueling, wet hosing or wheel-to-wheel – you’ve got special delivery requirements. To get the job done right you need to:
- Keep the driver’s onsite time to a minimum
- Eliminate the need for a second employee in the truck
- Easily and accurately identify each piece of equipment being filled
- Automatically capture all the delivery detail and print it on the delivery ticket
- Easily capture a customer signature
- Tag new assets while out on delivery
The Raven Fleet Fueler empowers your driver with tools needed for all of these requirements and more. Your driver can get out of the truck with the Fleet Fueler, walk to a tank, vehicle or other asset, scan the QR code on the equipment for verification and start filling. When done with that fill, the driver can just walk right to the next asset, scan to verify and continue the delivery. The units delivered to each asset are captured automatically, eliminating the need for trips back to the truck or for another employee to stay at the truck and manually capture volume delivered at each asset. All that detail is automatically stored on the customer account. You can even capture a signature right on the Fleet Fueler screen and a simple click will start printing the signed, detailed delivery ticket in the cab – fleet fueling efficiency and accuracy like you’ve never had before.
Learn More
If you are looking to streamline your drivers’ activity at stops, increase your delivery accuracy, and improve your cash flow, take a look at the Companion and Fleet Fueler. Contact your ADD Systems sales representative today for more information or to schedule a demo.
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