Many businesses don’t think about disasters until one strikes and work comes to a grinding halt. It’s then that all the important questions get raised: What should your employees do? Whom should they contact? Do you have a list of your key vendors?
Knowing the answers to all of these questions and many more before a disaster strikes will enable you to recover from it quickly. And for your IT systems, you have added questions: How will you recover your data? When will you be up and running again? Having the right disaster recovery services available will minimize the impact and save your business.
Disasters come in different shapes and sizes, but for computer system failures they can be broken down into two major categories:
- physical disasters
- equipment failures
ADD Systems can help you through either by offering hardware and networking expertise, assistance with off-site system set-up, or temporary or permanent transfer to the ADD Cloud solution. You just decide how fast you need to be up and running and we can use our resources to get you there.
For customers already using the ADD Cloud, disasters are easily mitigated. All your software and data is maintained at our state-of-the-art data and software management facility, so any local disaster leaves your data unscathed. Even before you set up a temporary location, your data and software are accessible via PC, tablet or smartphone.
For customers with their own servers, ADD can offer technical assistance with new equipment. Simply give us your backups, and we’ll load your data onto a new server and have you back in operation in very little time.
An even faster option for ADD customers who experience a failure with their own equipment is to immediately transition to the ADD Cloud. Past disasters have proven this to be one of the quickest and best solutions – whether on a temporary or permanent basis.
In one instance, a business’ entire system failed unexpectedly. ADD took the backup media and converted it into the ADD Cloud infrastructure within a few hours. Site-to-site VPN tunnels were established and all of the home office users were up and running within hours. Ten years later, this customer chooses to remain on the ADD Cloud Service.
ADD can help you make the best disaster recovery decisions, no matter what the situation. Ideally, you already have a business continuity plan in place, but if you don’t, now’s the time to be proactive and consider all the important questions. Disasters are unpredictable, but you can be prepared and minimize the impact with a plan that takes advantage of ADD’s disaster recovery expertise and infrastructure.
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