ADD Systems is excited to announce the new KPI – Key Performance Indicator – dashboard for Atlas Advanced Business Intelligence® for ADD Energy E3®.
This new enhancement builds upon the industry’s leading BI product and works in conjunction with Atlas Advanced BI® for ADD Energy E3 to shine a brighter light on your business. Atlas Advanced BI is the only BI solution built to have a direct connection with the ADD Energy E3 back office solution, which empowers business owners to make decisions based on the clearest and most efficient picture of what’s happening in their business right now.
Benefits of KPI Dashboards
- 20+ KPIs to focus the spotlight on your most important business metrics
- Adjust KPIs to your business rules to get the most relevant information
- Provide management with a visual picture of how your business is performing against defined targets
- Gain insight needed to make faster, more informed decisions to improve your business and increase profitability
Sales Manager, John Coyle, believes Atlas Advanced BI and our new KPI features will help ADD clients gain efficiencies all across the organization that they didn’t think were possible. He explains, “We know the devil is in the detail, and with the tools in Atlas Advanced BI and our new KPIs, those critical details are now only a click away. Business intelligence is all about sifting through your mountains of data to give you the actionable information while you still have time to act upon it. Atlas Advanced BI is a game changer.”
Learn More
If you’re interested in gaining powerful insight into your business operations, contact your ADD Systems sales representative, or contact our national sales office at 800-922-0972, or by email at
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