Once upon a time, the only way a convenience store manager knew what was selling was to look at the shelf. Today, data analytics help retailers understand customer behavior in a way that can be used to make more informed decisions.
Let Your Data Guide You
Convenience store managers can use their actionable information about store traffic and customer shopping data to streamline their staffing and purchasing, and make the right sales promotion choices.
Does your store have a busy morning rush? Have an additional employee on shift for the morning hours to keep the coffee stocked and the counters clean.
Are customers frequently purchasing certain items together? Create a promotional combo or mix-and-match deal of those products.
Are you experiencing runouts on one of your top sellers? Increase the order frequency on that item.
With today’s data analysis and reporting capabilities, the possibilities are endless. Use the data you already have at your fingertips to take your store’s performance to the next level.
Learn More
To learn more about how you can use your store data to drive sales, read our article in CSP Daily News. Our VP of Sales, John Coyle, and Director of Retail Applications, Chris Kiernan, offer great insights into some of the benefits of data analysis.
How ADD Systems Can Help
To learn more about ADD eStore®, our home and back office solution, and Atlas Reporting®, our business intelligence solution, contact info@addsys.com.
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